Thursday, September 16, 2010


ICSA (india) Ltd.  and Dongfang Electronics Co. ,  Ltd.  strategic  tieup to provide SCADA-DMS solutions.  Combined  services from  an  International  Power  Automation Company and ICSAlocal expertise & services.
DF8000 SCADA/DMS/EMS system is a comprehensive set of integrated solution for analysis, simulation and operation of electric power generation, transmission and distribution. DF8000 provides the functions of supervisory control, network analysis, safe and economical operation instruction, dispatch information management, dispatcher training simulator, data integration platform with third party software and inter control center communication.
DF8000 is developed under an established quality assurance program and has been used as high reliability Electrical Power Automation System software worldwide.
DF8000 is developed under a modular design concept and supports Server/Client architecture. It is a Reliable Scalable and Flexible system. As a fully integrated solution, DF8000 is a Real-Time Intelligent Power Management System to monitor, control, simulate and optimize the operation of your energy system
DFE and ICSA shall offer world-class Automation solutions by studying your systems and understanding your requirements and enable you to improve the system reliability, maximize the operational efficiency and to reduce the losses through state-of-the- art hardware, comprehensive software and reliable service.
DFE and ICSA team shall implement this total solution including design, engineering and installation and commissioning of the SCADA/DMS/EMS system. DFE and ICSA will provide lifelong support in the expansion, maintenance and upgrade of your system.
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ICSA India - Smart Energy Meter

Smart Energy Meter(Single Phase)
Meter Rating : 2.5-10A, 5-20A, 5-30A, 10-40A, 10- 60A
Meter Type : ES 4L, ES 6, ES 6L, ES 6S, ES 4L, EL 6L
Display : Stepper Motor Counter/LCD (STN/TN)
Meter Class : Class-1
Electrical Parameters : 240 Volt, -40% to +20% of Vref, 50Hz ± 5%, Reftemp 27º C
Guarantee Meter design operates satisfactorily for 10 years. Guarantee for a period of 5 yrs
Starting Current : ≤ 0.4% of Ib and 0.2% of Ib
Power Consumption : Voltage Circuit ≤10 VA,1.5Watt /8VA, 1 Watt/4VA, 1 Watt Current Circuit ≤ 4 VA/1VA
Standard Applicable : IS 13779-99/CBIP 88 with latest Amendment / IEC 620 53-21/ IEC 1107 for Optical
Port, CBIP-111.
Smart Energy Meter(Three Phase)
Meter Rating : 10-40A, 10-60A, 20-80A
Meter Type : 3ES4, 3ES6L, WTVM3P4
Display : Stepper Motor Counter/LCD (STN/TN)
Meter Class : Class-1
Electrical Parameters : 3x240 Volt, -30% to +20% of Vref, 50Hz ± 5%,Ref Temp 27ºC
Guarantee : Meter design operates satisfactorily for 10 years. Guarantee for a period of 5 years
Starting Current ≤ 0.4% of lb and 0.2% of lb
Power Consumption : Voltage Circuit ≤10 VA, 1.5 Watt/Phase 8 VA Watt/Phase, Current Circuit ≤ 4 VA, 1 Watt/Phase
Standard Applicable : IS 13779-99/CBIP 88 with latest Amendment / IEC 620 53-21/ IEC 1107 for Optical Port, CBIP-111.
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Smart Trivector Meter
Smart Trivector Meter is a new generation Polyphase fully programmable static meter, allowing billing and management applications from LV Industrial Consumers, HV Consumers up to Substation.Smart Meters can measure and register active, reactive and apparent power one by one or in combinations thereof.Communication options are the most extensive area of metering. ICSA meters featuring a RS232 (or other digital port ) output will be able to fulfill the needs for future communication media, such as GSM/ GPRS/PLCC/RF systems and others. The meters are also having a seperate Optical Port for Local communication through CMRI.ICSA Smart Meters have a provision for a built-in GSM/ GPRS Modem with additional memory storage capabilities for futuristic AMR markets and utilities can be assured of fast and reliable data transfer.
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ICSA - Pipeline Applications

Cathodic Protection for Pipeline
  1. Oil pipelines (Product, Crude)
  2. Gas Pipelines (CNG, LNG)
  3. Water pipelines
  4. Offshore CP
  1. Pipeline CP Monitoring and Maintenance
  2. Feasibility Studies 
  3. Conventional CP design, detailed engineering, installation and commissioning including pre and post commissioning surveys includes on and off shores
  4. Corrosion Auditing
  5. Pipeline coating integrity survey (Current Attenuation Test, Direct Current Voltage Gradient, Pearson,   etc)
  6. Over-the-Line Potential Survey (Closed Interval Potential Survey, ON/OFF Survey)
  7. Design of Tank Bottom CP 
  8. Soil Resistivity Survey
  9. Computerized Data Management
  10. Corrosion Monitoring Coupons
  11. Pipeline Integrity Management
  12. Customized CP Solutions
  13. Third Party Inspection
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Transformer  Rectifier Monitoring Systems (TRMS)
  1. Continuously monitor the TR unit inputs and outputs and reports at base station
  2. Control the TR output based on PSP references/set references 
  3. Avoids over and under protection problems
  4. Eliminates the pipeline failures due to corrosion problems
  5. Reduces expenditure incurring on pipeline maintenance
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Gas pipeline-iCAP system-SACP
  1. It is a total solutions to cross country pipeline to eliminate pipeline failures due to corrosion Continuously monitors all TLPs and TR units spread over across the cross country pipeline and notifies the abnormalities/ behavior at base station
  2. Eliminates the external IR drop influence, conventional measurements/surveys, detects point of minimum protection, improves the safety/productivity
  3. Avoid coating disintegration/damage  and corrosion problems due to over and under protection 
  4. Improves CP data accuracy
  5. Operation does not required a specialist/corrosion engineer
  6. Eliminates maintenance of test leads or boxes
  7. Eliminates portable reference cell and soil-contact problems
  8. Reduces labor by up to 80%
Third Party Damages Detection System-(TPDDS-SD)
  1. Detects unauthorized operations  executing on the pipeline within 500m range and notifies at base station
  2. Pine point the location of damage based on inbuilt analysis. 
  3. Alerts the management  quickly
  4. The maximum range of detection depends on field conditions. It would be decided based on  the preliminary field survey  
  5. The impact of operations should be more than 0.5g 
  6. Reduces the loss due to pipeline failures and improves the safety and productivity
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Soil Resistivity Data Logger (SRDL)
Continuously monitors the soil conditions and notifies at base station and alerts abnormal situations as per set norms  It can be used as stand alone system for soil resistivity survey
L1 CIP survey system
CIP surveys are used to identify the levels of protection that exist along pipelines. Today, it is well accepted by the industry that point measurements only at test posts are insufficient to judge the overall condition of the pipeline. To solve this problem and get a clear overview of the total length of the pipeline, a trailing wire is pulled from the nearest test point and potentials are taken at typically 1.0 to 1.5-metre interval along the entire length of the pipeline. This approach has now become best practice in the industry.  ICSA India Limited developed an innovative L1 CIPS survey system with user friendly operations and field compatible. It has several industry compatible features.
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ICSA India - Power Applications

IAMR collects data from energy meter and other devices continuously at field and exchange this data with base station thru wire and wireless communication. It has several features like Automatic monthly billing, Detecting tamper conditions, sending alerts to control room as well as field officials, Collecting instantaneous parameters. The IAMR is Compatible with various types and makes of energy meters.
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The main objective of DTMS is to Monitor and control the Distribution Transformer. The features include Energy measurement, Remote data acquisition, Peak load management, Energy accounting, Transformer health monitoring, Remote switching and so on. This communicates with master with DNP3 protocol and/or GSM SMS.
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Power Quality Measurement System has been devised specially to monitor interruptions, durations, voltages, power factors etc. at each distribution transformer level. This system enables collection of these parameters round the clock without any human assistance and works remotely from any station through GSM/GPRS.This equipment enables continuous improvements in the power quality and enables comparision among various sects of consumers, to the different power utilities.
Any Street light JB can be controlled from the central location, The switch ON/OFF time can be configured from the central location, The ON / OFF timings can be programmed as per the seasonal changes. Individual phases can be switched ON & OFF at different times, as per the traffic movement, automatically, for saving energy.
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It collects the data from the electronic energy meter using optical connection (no direct electrical connection). It Interacts with the base station or with a cell phone using GSM modem and all the parameters of the meters can be collected by a remote data call. It is supplied in a slim Aluminum channel enclosure and low cost communication using SMS/Data calls. Energy Billing Data can be prepared for all the consumers, with a single command from a central station.
ICSA Compact Modem is highly flexible device for easy integration with RS 232 and audio* interface. It is fully equipped with features like circuit switched data, SMS, Voice and GPRS. This instrument is a robust solution for Remote Data Transfer, Automatic Meter Reading, Industrial Automation, Telemetry, SCADA and many other applications. Compact Size, Easy Mounting arrangement, Metal casing and integration of state of the art Technology make ICSA Compact Modem a unique solution for almost all applications.
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Agricultural Load Management System is meant for supplying power to farmers during specified time with assured time duration. It reduces the stress on LT lines, distribution transformers, sub-station and system in view of diversified usage. Lesser failures of distribution transformers due to diversified load and lesser interruptions, reducing the system peak demand, substantial reduction on technical losses are some of the core benefits of ALMS.
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The Micro RTU monitors and controls sub-station feeders, as a part of the SCADA system. The micro RTU communicates with15Nos of Modbus Energy meters on RS485 bus. The MICRO RTU is useful in energy audit, load survey and fault analysis. The system supports multiple MODEMs that are standard Public Switched Telephone Network MODEMs or GSM MODEMs / Radio link. The micro RTU is capable of communicating to SCADA on various standard protocols like modbus, IEC, DNP3, DLMS etc.
TDD aims to identify theft at LT pillars (Junction Boxes used for underground power distribution lines) under different tamper conditions. It continuously monitors energy and sends IP (instantaneous parameters) like voltages, currents, power etc. to the base station. It also Detects tamper conditions and sends the alerts to Base station (Control Room) as well as concerned officials. In addition, it initiates the local audio alarm.
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Its objective is on line Monitoring and Data logging of load monitoring and management including the data of various parameters of 11Kv feeders in a Substation. Its functionality includes Continuous Online monitoring and logging of various parameters like Load in MW at each stage, phase wise Voltage, Current & Power factor, Power, energy, Breaker status, DC auxiliary supply status. Elimination of manual Interference, Accurate Data gathering facility with exact time stamping is some of its advantages.
These services provide energy audit information, giving the details of the location, quantity and the type of the losses in the power distribution network. This is achieved by Network Digitization for permanent asset management and Consumer Database management with detailed attributes and Incorporation of data acquisition and control system at Substation and DTR level and IAMRs / pole top RTUS at consumer locations..
Mounted on the top of the electrical pole. Measures the energy parameters of the connection at the pole. Display will be kept in consumer premises to show the energy meter readings and any message from the utility. Each unit monitors 15 consumers. Remote connection/disconnection of supply, Remote monitoring and communicating to the master station is done through GSM network. Alarm generation for tamper conditions, line disturbance etc also sent to master for immediate attention of the maintenance staff.
Its main objective is to collect the data from number of meters located at a single location, using a cost effective single unit. Collects data from 8 or 16 meters, using single modem., Communicates to the meters which are distributed over an area of 100 m
Getting Consumption data of water delivered, on daily and monthly basis at the base station using GSM network, Controlling the delivery valve, SMS messages to consumers regarding bill amounts and payment receipts, Battery back up facility for 24 hours for enabling operation in case of power failure, are some of its features. It also include special features like Theft detection, Detection of Using Motors for sucking excess water e.t.c.

ICSA-Few of our major Clientele

U.P Rajkiya Nirman Nigam Ltd (UPRNNL)
UP Rajkiya Nirman Nigam is a wholly State Govt. owned Undertaking, established in 1975.It was established to undertake Building Construction Work.

Eastern Power Distribution Company of Andhra Pradesh Ltd (APEPDCL)

The Eastern Power Distribution Company of Andhra Pradesh Limited (APEPDCL) was formed on the 31st of March, 2000, to serve as a Distribution Company of AP Transco.


APSPDCL was formed in April 1, 2000 to serve Krishna, Guntur, Prakasam, Nellore, Chittoor and Kadapa districts with a vision to 'become an efficient utility supplying reliable and quality power, promoting economic development and being self-reliant commercially.

Kerala State Electricity Board(KSEB)

Kerala State Electricity Board commenced functioning on 31-3-1957 After Noon as per order no. EL1-6475/56/PW dated 7-3-1957 of the Kerala State Government.


In exercise of power under Section 22 of the Electricity Act 2003, the OERC has formulated a scheme for operation and management of CESCO's utility on 8.9.06.

Madhya Pradesh Paschim Kshetra Vidyut Vitran Company Ltd.

The Government of Madhya Pradesh vide order dated 1st July, 02 has incorporated Madhya Pradesh Paschim Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Company Limited as a wholly owned Government of Madhya Pradesh Corporations under the Companies Act, 1956

Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd (MSEDCL)

The Load Despatch Department is the nerve centre for the operation , planning , monitoring and control of the power system . Electricity cannot be stored and has to be produced when it is needed.

Nile Energy Engineering Projects (P) Ltd (NEEL)

Nile Energy Engineering Projects (P) Ltd is incorporated in India with its office in New Delhi, and has an authorized capital equating to USD 1,250,000. The Company has a wide international geographical representation with associate offices in Malaysia, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Libya, China and Sudan.

Transmission Corporation of Andhra Pradesh Ltd (TCAPL)

APTransco came into existence on 1.02.1999 as a consequence of restructuring of the erstwhile AP State Electricity Board (APSEB) to look after Transmission of Electricity in Andhra Pradesh.

Reliance Energy Limited

Reliance Energy is India’s largest integrated private sector power utility company. The company is into generation, transmission, distribution and trading of power.

Southern Electricity Supply Company Of Orissa Ltd (SOUTHCO)

The Southern Electricity Supply Company Of Orissa Limited (SOUTHCO) was incorporated on 19-11-1997 under the Companies Act,1956 as a Public Limited Company.

Oil India LTD

Oil India Limited (OIL) is a premier National oil company, engaged in the business of Exploration, Production and Transportation of Crude Oil and Natural Gas.

Ajmer Vidyut Vitran Nigam Ltd (AVVNL)

Government of Rajasthan on 19th July 2000, issued a gazette notification unbundling Rajasthan State Electricity Board into Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd., which will be the generation Company.

Elmarc Limited

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

ICSA Investor Relation-Stock Info

ICSA's objective is to be one of the world's leading producer and provider of embedded solutions and infrastructure for power using its portfolio of brands to differentiate its content and services.
The company's primary financial goal is to maximize earnings and cash flow and to allocate capital profitability towards growth initiatives that will drive shareholders' values on long-term basis.

The Investor Relation function at ICSA seeks to communicate with existing and potential investors such as Financial Institutions, Foreign Institutional Investors, Mutual Management Companies and provides the investment community with periodical information on the company's business operations and important financial information.This column facilitates its investors to take informed decisions on their investment options.
Company ISIN No. : INE306B01029
Contact details for share related queries :
Mr.K.Arun Kumar
Company Secretary
I C S A (INDIA) LIMITED, Plot No.12,
Software Units Layout, Cyberabad, Hyderabad-500081.
Phone :91-40-23114923, 23114928 Fax : 040-23114921
Website :
E-mail :
Share Transfer Agents:
Venture Capital and Corporate Investments Pvt. Limited,
12-10-167, Bharatnagar,
Hyderabad - 500 018.
AndhraPradesh, INDIA.
Phone : 91-40-23818475, 23818476.
Fax : 91-40-23868024.
E-Mail :
Equity shares of the Company are listed on:
Bombay Stock Exchange - Scrip Code : 531524
National Stock Exchange - Scrip Code : ICSA

Corporate Profile

ICSA is empowering the Energy Sector with its Innovative Solutions.

It has always been in the forefront of adopting advanced technologies to ensure customer satisfaction with a suite of embedded solutions and comprehensive quality infrastructure, customized for specific requirements of the enterprises across a spectrum of industries & utilities especially the Energy Sector, which includes Power, Oil, Natural Gas & Water.
ICSA is headquartered in Hyderabad, India with its operating locations spread across the World.
The company has developed innovative products suitable for Power utilities in the field of Energy Management, Energy Audit, and Control Applications and provides versatile Data Acquisition system using several Communication media such as GSM, GPRS, CDMA, PLCC, Optical Fiber and RF.Over the years, the company has served power utilities in the field of Energy Management, Energy Audit, Control applications.
The focus area for ICSA has been the technology solutions to Power Sector to identify Transmission and Distribution (T&D) losses and monitor power consumption using GSM & alite Networks. The Company also introduced the Remote Switching facility that is in sync with the ongoing Power Sector reforms. The Company provides solutions to identify distribution losses, which has been a major area of concern for power utilities. ICSA helps the power utilities reduce their costs and streamline their operations. The remote sensing applications developed by the Company can transfer data from power points to the control room through telephone lines and wireless, including GSM & GPRS technologies.
Also, the Company has made significant headway in the embedded technology segment of the Power Sector. The power sector products like Substation Controllers, Distribution Transformer Controllers, and Automatic Meter Reading Systems etc. are successfully deployed. The Remote Monitoring applications has numerous applications in a number of other sectors, which include, Oil, Gas, Mining, Irrigation, Transport and Water Utilities.
Blending our past experiences, the company’s Engineering & Management teams have developed a philosophy that consists of a strong technological and quality foundation coupled with a product development focus that truly reflects customer requirements.
ICSA technologies are proven and time tested. A leader in real-time, embedded, and high-performance communications software provides its customers with advanced real-time software developed for use in products throughout the energy sector. Our growing clientele of both private and government organizations and repeat orders proves our growing potential.
ICSA is a world where smart embedded devices are reachable from anywhere. Just as important as our vision is the strategy that will turn it into reality. We are focused, laser-like, on becoming the premier embedded connectivity company making it user friendly for our clients to use the cutting edge technologies. We understand the importance of product quality and how project management techniques, software change control and a robust test environment contribute to quality. Customer and Stake Holder satisfaction is of paramount importance and we pride ourselves on keeping our commitments to all the customers every time.

ICSA Solutions-Infrastructure

In a short span, ICSA has gained recognition from all corners by its very strong project execution performance.Our engineering service teams are well equipped with sound knowledge and latest software technologies. Our capabilities are being appreciated by all the customers.
The company has been using latest software based project management technologies and executing the projects to the highest quality standards and within the scheduled time to the utmost satisfaction of the customers.
ICSA team has been executing the projects in all kinds of environment and in all parts of the Country.
The company has developed quality management systems; quality ensuring practices and is having a dedicated quality assurance team whose only responsibility is to ensure that procurement, manufacture and project execution are done as per the company QUALITY MANUAL.
EPC Basis :
The Company is capable to Design, Supply, Transport, Erect, Test & Commission the following on EPC basis:-
  1. 400KV Transmission Lines & Sub Stations.
  2. 220KV/132KV Transmission Lines & Sub Stations.
  3. Out Door & GIS Sub Stations.
Turnkey Basis :
The company is offering the following services on Turnkey / Partial Turnkey basis:-
  1. HVDS Distribution works.
  2. Rural Electrification works.
  3. Industrial Electrification works.
  4. Construction of 33KV / 11KV Indoor, Outdoor Sub Stations.

A Brief Evolution
  1. ICSA entered into Power Transmission and Distribution projects in year 2004.
  2. The first Project bid and won by ICSA from SOUTHCO (Southern Electricity Supply Company of Orissa Ltd) Berhampur , Ganjam, District , Orissa, in January 2004.
  3. In year 2005 Bid & won the projects in UP & AP from PVVNL, APTRANSCO & APEPDCL.
  4. In year 2006 bid & won the projects in AP, MH, MP & Rajasthan from APCPDCL, APEPDCL, APTRANSCO, MSEDCL, MPPKVVCL & AVVNL.
  5. In year 2007 bid & won the projects in AP, CHATTISGARH, KERALA & MP from APCPDCL, APEPDCL,APSPDCL, CSEB, KSEB & MPPKVVCL.
  6. In year 2008 bid & won the projects in AP, Arunachal Pradesh, Haryana, Maharashtra, MP & Rajasthan from APCPDCL, APNPDCL, APSPDCL, APTRANSCO, ArPEB, DHBVN, UHBVN, MSEDCL, MPPKVVCL, AVVNL.
  7. ICSA is operating in 9 states of India, having 23 site offices.
  8. ICSA is having qualified and experienced 450 resources for deployment of projects, supported by the senior management team of 70 strong well qualified & experienced professional having varied back grounds and exposures.